
About Даниела Григорова

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So far Даниела Григорова has created 23 blog entries.

Stanishev: Commission sees the ‘Danube’ transport corridor among its priorities

This is what Sergei Stanishev concluded following his meeting in Strasbourg with Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Transport.


‘The ‘Danube’ transport corridor is of high importance but its capacity is not sufficiently used. As part of the Pan European transport corridor №7, ‘Danube’ is of key geopolitical significance for Europe’, Sergei Stanishev, Member of the European […]

By |January 15th, 2015|News|0 Comments

Stanishev asked for Germany’s support for Bulgaria’s accession to Schengen

Meeting Zigmar Gabriel, Vice-Chancellor and Minister of economy and energy of Germany in Lisbon, Sergei Stanishev, Member of the European Parliament, asked for the support of Germany for Bulgaria’s accession to the Schengen area. ‘We have fulfilled the criteria. It is not fair that our country is constantly faced with new conditions. This is already […]

By |December 5th, 2014|News|0 Comments

Stanishev to Šefčovič: ‘South Stream will change the role of Bulgaria on the European energy map’

‘Only BSP managed to bring down the price of electricity’


Sergei Stanishev, Member of the European Parliament, met Maroš Šefčovič, European Commission’s Vice-President for the Energy Union during EP’s plenary session in Strasbourg.


Stanishev welcomed the commitment made by Šefčovič to put a strong emphasis on the social aspect of the energy policy of the Union by […]

By |November 28th, 2014|News|0 Comments

Stanishev to Macedonia: ‘Brothers, it won’t work only with declarations!’

A meeting of the EU-Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Committee was held on 26 and 27 November during EP’s plenary session in Strasbourg.


In his speech Sergei Stanishev who is Vice-President of the JPC on the EP side said that good neighbourly relations between Bulgaria and Macedonia are a matter of political will of […]

By |November 27th, 2014|News|0 Comments

The Juncker plan will hardly revive the European economy

The Plan is a step in the right direction but is not ambitious enough

Today in the European Parliament in Strasbourg Jean Claude-Juncker presented his Investment Plan for Europe to the MEPs. It will seek to attract 315 bln Euro of investments in the next 3 years. For more than 5 years now the socialists have […]

By |November 26th, 2014|News|0 Comments

Juncker’s Investment Plan is a major achievement of the Socialist family

Socialists call for additional 10 bln Euro for the Youth Guarantee

S&D MEP and PES President Sergei Stanishev together with S&D Group President Gianni Pittella spoke at the opening of a seminar on ‘Investing in the Future’. The event discussed socialists’ priorities and suggestions for the implementation of Juncker’s plan for 300 bln Euro of public […]

By |November 19th, 2014|News|0 Comments

Stanishev: the Scandinavian model of sustainable social economies is an inspiration for Europe

This is what PES President Sergei Stanishev said meeting Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.


The PES leader is on a two-day visit in Oslo attending the Congress of Scandinavian social-democratic parties (SAMAK). Party leaders as well as trade union leaders from the Nordic countries play a key role in this congress.


‘The Scandinavian model of democracy and […]

By |November 12th, 2014|News|0 Comments

Stanishev: “Single and common European policy on the refugees is needed”

The MEP and leader of PES Sergei Stanishev opened conference on “Policies on refugees, based on solidarity” yesterday, organized by Foundation for European Progressive Studies in Brussels.

“We need to develop a common action plan for the EU to cope with the increasing migration flows. Last year more than 400 000 people applied for international protection […]

By |November 5th, 2014|News|0 Comments

Stanishev gave his support to Juncker‘s Commission

“Statement by Sergei Stanishev during the plenary debate on the choice of the new Commission:


“Today I will support the Juncker Commission, because this must be the democratic approach. This is an important political agreement with the European citizens.


Juncker received our support as President after he gave clear statement for change in the priorities. The main […]

By |October 22nd, 2014|News|0 Comments

Sergei Stanishev and Corina Cretu discussed regional policies

The MEP Sergei Stanishev met with Corina Cretu, nominated for Commissioner on Regional Development. Her field is important for all Member States, particularly to the countries from Eastern Europe, which are the poorest regions.


At the meeting, the future Commissioner announced her intention to help the much less economically developed countries in the Union. Cretu stressed […]

By |October 22nd, 2014|News|0 Comments